Monday, December 31, 2012

Fiscal Cliff Notes

Watching Grover Norquist on a news show this morning, I think I finally figured out who he sounds like - Truman Capote, with that high pitched whine that's so annoying.

Grover is like a Troll, those mischievous little beings from Scandinavian mythology that were troublesome and harmful to humans. The name has now evolved to describe someone on the Internet who posts harassing and disruptive messages.  Sounds like Grover.

His ego seemed somewhat deflated today, with the inevitable tax increases on the rich. It might be the end of the year of the Troll.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Many of my political poems are from the W. administration. If nothing else, Bush inspired a lot of poetry. For many liberals and independents the second Bush administration was a catalyst to become more involved in one way or another in politics. We had never seen anything quite like W.

Here's another poem from those dark days of W.

The Meaning of Torture

They are taken at night
Flown to classified countries without laws
on the dirt floor jails
they look for the meaning of life.
They define torture
While the President lies.



Thursday, December 27, 2012

poem of the day

The unknown liberal resides in an undisclosed location in the deep fried south.

Poem of the day

For the Love of Dick!  
By the unknown poet

 I can not understand how
Anyone can believe his shit!
Dick Nixon kept a war going
To get re-elected
And now, another Dick
Is keeping a war going
To make it to the next election.
For the love of Dick
I cannot understand
The people with W
Bumper sticks on their SUV’s
Proudly displaying
Their lack of sense.
For the love of Dick
I can not  understand.
